MICR 2340 Study Guide - Final Guide: Western Blot, Rna Virus, Reverse Transcriptase

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Hiv/ stds/ direct contact microbial disease/ airborne disease. H pylori, tb and chlamydia have similar pathogenic mechanisms evade the killing mechanisms of the immune system. Live inside phagocyte so they are protected from the antibodies. T cells are the only ones that can kill them because they kill the cell hosting them. Tb test measures the memory that we have against the microorganism, the presence of memory cells against tb. If your immune response is not good then the test will not be that effective. Tb lives inside phago(cid:272)yte a(cid:374)d the(cid:374) proliferates i(cid:374)side the (cid:272)ell (cid:271)ut (cid:272)a(cid:374)"t es(cid:272)ape a(cid:374)d (cid:449)he(cid:374) that cell dies it released tb cells to infect other phagocytes. Bcg protects around 70%, it is good if you live in an area with an epidemic, once you get the vaccine you will test positive for a tb test. To test for hiv, we look at antibodies against hiv, we look at the immune response.