BIO 360- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 149 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Humans were always interested in the sea. Science of marine biology: began with simple observations of marine life easily accessible from shore, expanded with ships and technology, eventually to global perspective, connectedness of oceans, interactions with terrestrial habitats. Aristotle: greek philosopher, accomplished naturalist, classi cation scheme, described hundreds of marine species. Pliny the elder: roman naturalist, 37 volume natural history, named many marine species as well. Late 18th century and early 19th century - great discovery and exploration of the sea. 1831 - hms beagle 5 year voyage: charles darwin - evolution and natural selection. 1872 - challenger expedition (3. 5 year expedition: 50 volumes of science reports on ocean, gave rise to modern science of marine biology. Louis agassiz - 1873 > founded 1st marine lab in u. s: anderson summer school of natural history on penikese island off mass. Alexander agassiz - 1877 > louis"s son: series of expeditions, collected thousands of marine organisms.