EARTH 222 Midterm: ocean study guide 1

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Early ocean exploration in mediterranean and polynesia, places visited, approximate dates, and navigational advances- Minoan civilization considered first recorded civilization to use boats. Phoenicians were the next great sea power ~1100 to 850 bce. Based in what is now israel, syria, and lebanon. Voyaged through the mediterranean as far north as the british. Greek mathematician pythagoras declared earth was round ~550 bce. Phythaes- greek geographer and explorer, 4th century bce. Developed method for determining latitude using polaris. Explored british isles, norway, and maybe iceland. East-west (longitude) proportions distorted due to lack of chronometer. Used incorrect value for earth"s circumference and led. Columbus to believe he had landed in asia. Large islands of western pacific colonized ~2500 bce. Subsequent migration to samoa, tahiti, and marquesas by ~200 bce. Marquesas are 70 degrees east of larger islands. Relied on knowledge of stars, winds, wave patterns, clouds, and seabirds.