HHP 2200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Vo2 Max, Cardiovascular Disease, Blood Sugar

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Exam 2 format: 35 multiple choice questions (70 points) You will have 50 minutes to complete the exam. Pa guidelines for adults, children, pa & body weight, older adults, pregnancy, adults w/disabilities, adults w/chronic conditions. Use mets to describe energy costs of physical activity, convert ml/kg/min to mets, describe moderate & vigorous intensity physical activity in mets. Hypokinetic disease & sedentary death syndrome; risk factor & relative risk; prevention. Cardiovascular disease, cancer, mental health disorders, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis. Suggestions for studying: review all required readings, lecture notes, discussion activities and assignments. Study questions are included at the end of each chapter (see icon to know which study questions are most useful). Go back to your readings to fill in gaps in knowledge and understanding. Scenario: answer question #1 using the information in the chart below. ** identify whether each stage is considered light, moderate, or vigorous intensity according to the pa guidelines for americans.