HHP 2200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Graphing Calculator, Vo2 Max, Coronary Circulation

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You will have 50 minutes to complete the exam. You are allowed to have a pencil, eraser, and simple calculator for the exam (no cell phones or graphing calculator no exceptions) Key concepts for exam 1: multiple dimensions of wellness, public health & areas of specialization, health- and skill-related aspects of fitness, exercise physiology concepts: graded exercise test, energy production options, muscle fiber types, vo2max, lactate. Suggestions for studying: review all required readings, lecture notes, activities and assignments. Study questions are included at the end of each chapter (see icon to know which study questions are most useful). Then go through this scenario and the following questions. Go back to your readings to fill in gaps in knowledge and understanding. Scenario: philip is a 45-year-old sedentary adult who weighs 95 kg. He goes to the doctor for a check-up.