BIO 111 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Carl Linnaeus, Botany, Uniformitarianism

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Darwin"s finches, changes in shape (pattern) is changed by evolution (the process) Observations hypothesis experiments or new observations. Controls treated identically except for variable of interest. Replicates allow one to see if there is a consistent relation between manipulated variable and outcome. Separate correlation from causation by experiments or further observations. Where questions can be falsified or rejected. In the 1700"s, people started moving around and finding new organisms. Everyone has binomial name (genus and species) Proved the earth is way older than 5000 years. Recent fossils are most similar to extant species. Extinct fossil species occur where their extant relatives occur today. Homology- characteristics are shared through a common ancestor. Bats, whales, cats and humans have all the same bones, just arranged differently. Traveled around the world for 5 years to study the change in organisms. Famous for his finches realized slow changes over time result in different species.