BIO 111 Midterm: Bio Exam 1 - Study Guide

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14 Feb 2017

Document Summary

In each lecture, i have put the notes for the lecture, readings, and workshop that i thought are important for the upcoming test. Evolution change in the genetic makeup of biological population through time. Proximate explanations how or mechanistic questions. Emergent property a system that cannot be predicted or explained from antecedent conditions. Controlled experiment a controlled and replicable form of comparing variable"s effect on each other. Comparative experiment an experiment that looks for differences in observations (not controlled) Hard sciences ahistorical data that vary in methodology and complexity. Soft sciences historical data that deal with causation and predictability. Science the accumulation of knowledge to be obtained by whatever methods are most appropriate for the field. Carolus linnaeus the scientist that proposed the taxonomic method we use today (binomial nomenclature) The earth is much older than they thought and its geological processes can explain biological changes. Haeckel: embryonic development of organisms are often relatively similar in the beginning.