KNES 385 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Breaststroke, Discovery Learning, Biofeedback

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Introduction to motor control, motor skills, and motor abilities. Motor control: how our neuromuscular system functions to activate and coordinate the muscles and limbs involved in the performance of a motor skill. Coordination: the spatial and temporal patterning of body and limb motions relative to each other and to the environmental objects and events. Be able to explain the examples related to coordination we discussed in class: how coordination of reach and grasp is affected by object properties, cognitive-motor aspects of fine motor coordination in various conditions. Movements: specific patterns of motion among joints and body segments used to accomplish action goals. Skill: action or task that has a specific goal to achieve. Motor skill: a skill that required voluntary limb movement to achieve its goal. Skillfulness: the level of quality or competence with which a person executes a skill.