KNES 385 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Motor Control, Motor Coordination, Motor Skill

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If your fine motor skills are impaired, it slows you down: you ha(cid:448)e to thi(cid:374)k (cid:373)ore a(cid:271)out doi(cid:374)g so(cid:373)ethi(cid:374)g (cid:271)e(cid:272)ause (cid:455)ou"re adjusting to a new set of abilities that are probably slowed down more than they previously were. Movements: specific patterns of motion among joints and body segments used to accomplish action goals. Skill: action or task that has a specific goal to achieve. Motor skill: skill requires voluntary limb movement to achieve the goal. Skillfulness: level of quality or competence with which person executes a skill. Ability: general trait or capacity of individual that is determinant of persons potential for performance of skills. Motor ability: ability specifically related to performance of motor skill. Graph given will be pretest, posttest and retention: what can we see about the learning from this? (if it is shaped like a v. Performance indicates a performance decay from practice.