PSY 351 Study Guide - Methylphenidate, Retinohypothalamic Tract, Nocturnal Enuresis

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Chapter 8: there is stage 1, stage 2 , stage 3, stage 4 and rem sleep. : firing of neurons become more synchronized (theta activity) : contain periods of theta activity, sleep spindles (in all stages) and k complex (only in stage 2) : sleeping soundly but if awaken, it will feel as if one was not asleep. Stage 3: occurrence of high amplitude delta activity (20-50% delta activity) : rapid eye movement & person is paralysed during this stage. Slow-wave sleep: electroencephalogram (eeg) measure the brain"s spontaneous electrical activity, electromyogram (emg) measure muscle activity, electroculogram (eog) measure eye movement, awake: alpha activity followed by beta activity. Stage 2: periods of theta activity sleep spindles and k complex. Rem sleep: theta activity followed by beta activity. Synchronized: rapid-eye movement (rem) sleep is one of the stages of sleep that involves rapid eye movement and muscle paralysis.