PSY 351 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hypnagogia, Sleep Paralysis, Circadian Rhythm

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Eeg: measures electrical potentials; net average of all neuron activity. Emg: an electrical potential recorded from an electrode placed on a muscle. Eog: an electrical potential from the eyes, recorded by means of electrodes placed on the skin around them; detects eye movements: know the different brain wave patterns associated with each stage of sleep. Alpha activity: smooth electrical activity of 8 14 hz; relaxation. Beta activity: irregular electrical activity of 14 30 hz; arousal. Theta activity: eeg activity of 4-7. 9 hz; intermittent during early stages of slow-wave and rem sleep. O2 consumption is higher than when awake: know the neural regulation of rem sleep. The pons triggers rem and inhibits motor neurons during rem. The magnocellular nucleus (in medulla) triggers muscle paralysis. Rem requires 5-ht and acetylcholine for onset and continuation. Ach(pons)= initiation of rem sleep; neurons in peribrachial area activate neurons in peribrachial area activate medial pontine reticular formation (mprf) contains neurons involved in initiation of rem.