MIC 301 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Phycoerythrin, Meiosis, Cytokinesis

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List some groups of protozoans and some medically important organisms in each. Some ciliates have 2 nuclei: macronucleus copies of genome, metabolism and sexual reproduction, micronucleus genetic recombination, regeneration of macronucleus, sexual reproduction. Contractile vacuoles: pump water from the cells, protect them from oemotic lysis. Trophozoite: motile feeding stage all free-living aquatic and pathogenic protozoa exist as. Cyst: a hardy resting stage, with a thick capsule and a low metabolic rate. Not reproductive structures, trophozoite cyst trophozoite, can pass from one host to another to survive from harsh environment. Most are chemoheterotrophic and reproduce by binary fission, ciliates reproduce sexually through conjugation. Parabasala: lack mitochondria, has single nucleus and a parabasal body (golgi body-like structure) Trichomonas: live in vagina, proliferates and causes inflammation when ph raised, asymptomatic in males. Diplomonadida: lack mitochondria, golgi bodies and peroxisomes, have. Giardia: cause diarrhea of animals and humans, spread with ingestion of resistant cyst. Euglenozoa: share certain traits of both plants and animals.