BIO 315 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Micronucleus, Protozoa, Microbial Cyst

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Schizogony is multiple splitting: sexual reproduction by conjugation. Two protozoa come close to each other, has one macronucleus and micronucleus, does conjugation, the micronucleus shares the genetic information from one cell to another cells: complex life cycles (ex. Malaria: vegetative form (feeding and growing stage) is a trophozoite (one stage, cyst stage (another stage) Covering of the cell, does not have a cell wall: some produce a cyst (protective capsule (encystment) under adverse conditions. Food is digested in vacuoles and wastes eliminated through an anal pore: phylum, sacromastigophora. Infects corneas and causes blindness: keratitis, discusses contact lenses and the care between now and 30 years ago, amoeba in the eyes, caused death. Naegleria fowleri: free-living, bacteria-feeding amoeba that can be pathogenic, causing brain infection called naegleriasis also known as pam, pam: primary amoeba meningoencephalitis. Indication: pain in the front of the head, brain-eating amoeba, found in the usa, lake erie: biotic phases: cyst, trophozoite, flagellate.