BIO 226 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Cyclospora, Meiosis, Entamoeba

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Cytostome: primitive mouth: more than 20,000 of these species and when you go swimming, you"re swimming in millions of these but rarely cause disease o o. Cyst: usually forms a cyst when in stress: asexual or sexual reproduction. Sexual by conjugation with genes on macronucleus and micronucleus. Medically important phyla of protozoa: o: diplomonads: in superkingdom excavata. Euglenozoa: in superkingdom excavata o: amebae, apicomplexa, dinoflagellates o. Used to be known as archaezoa because they lacked a mitochondria (but more because of a loss of mitochondria due to pathogenic form, not because they came evolutionarily first) o. Because it doesn"t have a cyst, there has to be serious intimate contact to transfer: diplomonads: 2 nuclei. Giardia lamblia: intestinal parasite (it looks like a face!) o. Trypanosoma: causes african sleeping sickness transmitted by fly. Leishmania: transmitted by sand fly that causes tissue destruction. Naegleria: in swimming waters that can go through nasal passages and can cause encephalitis: amebae: used to be rhizopoda/amoebozoa.