BIO 200 Midterm: exam 3 study guide

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Orientation to other features- north= less sun, moist, woodland; south = more sun warm and dry, drought resistant, grassland, vegetation is lower. Elevation- affects temperature adiabatic cooling = increase elevation, increase pressure, decrease temperature, at 1000 m you lose 6 - 10 degrees. Factors that lead to local variation in climate. Rain in the southern hemisphere- at any latitude there"s more rain in southern hemisphere than the north because more water (81%) Rain shadows- coastal mountains; windward = air rises and cools, release moisture, lush vegetation (coastal); leeward = air sinks, warms, dry, deserts (non-coastal) Slope and local drought- steep = dry, water at bottom. North- vs. south-facing slopes- north is moist, south is dry. Elevation and temperature- increased elevation leads to decreased temperature. Lake effect snow- water is warmer (high specific heat); cold canadian air picks up water vapor and it freezes in the cold air deposits as snow; enhanced by uplifting of cold air.