NSCI 1051 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Convulsion, Reuptake, Psychoactive Drug

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Know example of peptide nt and general effects. Know different ways a drug can affect your body. Ach synapse shows different ways drugs can have an affect. You do not need to release gaba-a. Alcohol and barbs act like gaba-a and cause increased chloride conductance. Questions to answer: name 2 effects of opioid drugs on the body. Questions to answer: name 7 stages of neurotransmitter action that can be modified by psychotropic drugs. Increased dopamine levels are associated with decreased glutamate activity, especially in the pfc, so drugs that treat schizophrenia by blocking dopamine activity also lend support to the glutamate deficiency hypothesis. Memorize pink row in figure 7. 6 in-depth heterotrimeric g-protein. And entities that turn off activation and time limit of g-protein activation. Know what turns things off and what turns things on. Figure 7. 7: when pka is inactive, the regulatory domain is stuck to catalytic domain. C-fos is one of the genes to be transcribed right away.