SOCI 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ethnic Group, Equal Opportunity, Oscar Lewis

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9 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Race- supposedly physiological/biologically determined; (shape of eyes, color of skin, texture of hair) Ethnic group- socio-cultural determination; often viewed as holding a subordinate status in society. Minorities- not necessarily less in number ; ***they lack power and control. Prejudice- an attitude (most often negative) toward an entire category of people containing 1. Discrimination- unfair treatment of others on the basis of their group identity: de jure---legal by law, de facto--by custom. Exploits people who are less able to socially hold their own . Pits worker against worker (minority vs immigrant) rather than worker against worker. Requires social control expenditures to keep discontented people from chaotic work. Aware/blatant- in your face; doesn"t care how/what they say. Aware/covert- people are racist, but try to cover it up. Unaware/self-righteous- at least i"m not like them ; puts neg stereotypes. Social consequences-lack of self esteem, separation/isolation, lack of job opportunities, unequal pay. Gordon allport"s theory of contact and/or placed together interact.