PSYC 2120 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ethnocentrism, Gender Role, Social Dominance Orientation

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Prejudice, stereotyping, discrimination, sexism all involve negative evaluation of some group. Nature of prejudice: a negative prejudgment of a group and its individual members. Prejudice is an attitude: involves attitudes, behaviour, cognition oriented towards ppl. Negative evaluations that mark prejudice are often supported by negative beliefs, called stereotypes: generalizations. Whereas prejudice=(-) attitude, discrimination=(-)behaviour: discrimination has its source in prejudicial attitudes, but not always as behaviour and attitudes are loosely linked. Racism and sexism are institutional practices that discriminate, even when there is no prejudicial intent. For most social groups, overt forms of prejudice decreased, but subtle forms of prejudice are still widespread. Prejudiced attitudes surface when they hide behind the screen of some other motive. Subtle prejudice eg exaggerating racial differences, rejecting them for supposedly non- racial reasons, is replacing blatant prejudice: modern prejudice is now referred to as cultural racism or modern racism .