Biology 1001A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Copy-Number Variation, Human Genome Project, Transposase

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A mutation is a change in the double stranded dna sequence. Mutations variation that occur in somatic body are invisible in evolution, therefore don"t get inherited by children. Made from human genome project, people differ approx 0. 2% with one another. Vast majority of variants are snps (single nucleotide polymorphism) About 2500 structural variations including mobile elements (bits of dna can move around in a genome. People differ as our mobile elements can move to different locations within ones genome), cnv (copy number variation, one could have different copies of dna then others), inversions ( ipped dna) About 100 variants are de novo (are only found in you) Bacterial elements code for their own mobility (transposase) Central sequence: contain gene transposase, the product that is responsible for the moment of the element. When two is elements are close together, they can not only move themselves but also the thing in between them (which could be antibodies, making the genome antibodies resistant)