SOC294H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Practice Theory, German National People'S Party, Correspondence Analysis

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2 Apr 2020

Document Summary

Relating social and symbolic relations in quantitative text analysis. A study of parliamentary discourse in the weimar. Conversely, symbols relate to one another through their common or differential usage by actors: c) social relationships: the relationships between actors are characterized by the interaction taking place, that is: by the symbols processed in the ties. Theory: first, relations between symbols can be reconstructed on the basis of whether they systematically appear together, breiger (1974) formulates the classic duality: that actors and groups co-constitute one another. In contrast to parsons, geertz, berger, luckmann, and foucault, white considers cultural forms only as relatively homogeneous by social context, and the concept of domain as an analytical device to capture this. Exemplary studies: therefore, two-mode networks are frequently reduced to one-mode networks, as in discourse network analysis, technically, a two-mode network of actors and their affiliations does not differ from the case- attribute matrices commonly used in statistics.