SOC294H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Complement Graph, Balance Theory, Social Capital

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18 Feb 2020

Document Summary

In principle, statistical techniques such as qap correlation and regression can be applied to both positive and negative directed tie data, although the specific models we fit may be different, and not just in a mirror image way. In sum, there are certain concepts and methods that yield the same results for both a graph and its complement. Mixed data and pn centrality: smith et al. proposed a new measure, called pii, that can handle a mix of positive and negative ties. Other values of b: an alternative approach for choosing a b is to search a range of bs for one that yields the centrality scores with the least variance. Conclusion: the difficulties in applying standard network concepts and methods to negative ties have been underappreciated, a systematic examination of network analysis concepts applied to negative ties shows that, indeed, some concepts are unproblematic, such as equivalence concepts.