SOC294H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Natural-Language Processing, Discourse Analysis, Socalled

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29 Feb 2020

Document Summary

February 28th, 2019: the research addresses the challenge by employing a mix of qualitative discourse analysis and social network analysis to emphasize the unique differences between signed deliberative networks and unsigned communication networks. In particular, venues like twitter can help expose politicians with more polarized positions to a greater audience of followers than their more centrist peers. Data collections: to evaluate the proposed approach, we use the case study of a popular subreddit called. Asktrumpsupporters: we collected the data using reddit"s public apl, for the purpose of this study, they examined three threads that were labelled controversial by the. Summary of metrics: comparing both the reply to and signed deliberative networks helps to show the difference between looking at individual level interactions, and ideological communities that emerge within the space. It appears that the first thread is the closet to being the most balanced, meaning that it is closet to the idealized balanced" network.