SOC294H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Centrality, Identity Matrix, Main Diagonal

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27 Jan 2020

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Power and centrality: a family of measures by phillip. Reading 3: cook et al. (1983) have shown that power does not equal centrality in exchange networks. If b is positive, c(a, b) is a conventional centrality measure in which each unit"s status is a positive function of the statuses of those with which it is in contact. In matrix notation, (2) where e is an eigenvector of r, and a is its associated eigenvalue. In this sense, b, or, more precisely, (1 - b) -1, can be though of as a radius within which power or centrality is being assessed. If b = 0, only direct connections are used to assess centrality; larger values correspond to larger radii of concern: larger values of b would be appropriate if communication traveled longer distances. In all four of these networks, the rank order of positions by all conventional measures of centrality is d > e > f.