SOC294H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Analyze This, Mantra, Barry Wellman

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11 Jan 2020

Document Summary

Guiding principles of networks analysis: network explanations do not assume that environments, attributes or circumstances affect actors independently. For unity in the empirical sense of the word is nothing but the interaction of elements. Current state: association, grants and journals: the international network for social network analysts (insna), founded by barry wellman in. Testing an existing theory: by thinking of relation-based understandings of the theory and testing the resulting hypotheses, these researchers apply a network approach to a theory that may previously have been studied using attribute- or group-based approaches. Network explanations: we follow borgatti"s classification of network arguments into four categories: transmission, adaptation, binding and exclusion. 7: when researchers are interested in specific properties of social networks that can be measured without knowing the full structure of the network, they sometimes use data collection methods that collect only relevant data.