SOC294H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Georg Simmel, Cluster Analysis, Bipartite Graph

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8 Mar 2020

Document Summary

Introduction: two basic approaches have been used to analyze two-mode data, borgatti and halgin refer to these as the conversion approach and the direct approach. In the conversion approach, one or both modes of the two-mode dataset are converted into two one-mode projections which are then analyzed separately. In the case of the davis et al. data the row projection consists of a woman-by-woman matric while the column projection consists of an event-by-event matrix. A and b that have the same projections. Batagelj et al: the continuous model is based on a coreness sore analogous to standard centrality measures. In contrast, the core/periphery structure of the women is more subtle. In interpreting the results, we first note that this blocking is different from all of the other published blockings for these data, although it bears a general similarity to what doreian et al. obtained.