BIO120H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Natural Selection, Mate Choice, Reduviidae

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BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
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Reduviid bugs: nymphs display 2 interesting features: cover thorax with layer of dust, sand, or soil particles to form dust coat , attach dead insects (ants) to thorax using elastic threads produced by glands on back, form backpack. All living forms descended form common ancestor that appeared 3. 5 billion years ago. Basic insect body plan includes 3 main sections: head, thorax, abdomen. 3 pairs of legs and 1 or 2 pairs of wings extend from thorax. Insects found on every habitat on earth (water, soil, plants, air, deserts, tundra) Approximately 1. 9 million species of living organisms identified, over half insects. Large numbers of insects, bacteria, fungi still undescribed, estimates of number of identified species between 5-11 million. Trait contributes to fitness by improving individual"s chances of surviving or reproducing. Can be physical feature of body or behaviour. Term used in 2 ways: a trait, the evolutionary process through which such traits arise.