NUTR 3210 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pyridoxal Phosphate, Trigonelline, Transporter 2

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Produced by bacteria, mainly in animal foods widely distributed to food. Found in food as? most fish, meats, breads, cereals, coffee (trigonelline), tea nocitinamide, nad, Coat of rice, wide range of food, leat, whole grain, destroyed by heat and alkaline milk products, meat (free form), destroyed by sunlight free, fmn, fad free in plants, tpp in animals. Absorption site a bit in stomach, mostly in si. Exist everywhere free or bound, mostly in coa jejunum passive diffusion. Free (100% absorbed), bound to avidin in egg whites, bound to proteins, cleaved by pepsin produced by gut bacteria. Deficiency diffusion across memb except kidney and rbc, some boudn to proteins. Treat corn with lime, pellagra (4d"s) bound to protein in blood (albumin), stored in liver, kidney, heart women lower than men. Free in blood, excess amount lost in urine, no storage site. 80% free form in blood, bound to albumin women lower than men n/a supplements provide a lot more than rda.