SOCI 201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Critical Thinking, Industrial Revolution, Microsociology

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4 types of suicide categorize sections into 3 types. Shows us the correct route to induce positive social change. Critical thinking: is an essential aspect of sociological thinking, critical thinking means using careful observation to arrive at conclusions about our social world rather than base our understanding, upon authority, casual observation, illogical reasoning etc. sociological imagination: When you have the ability to look past individualistic explanation for human behavior and see larger perspectives. There are things beyond your control that effect why people do what they do we can apply sociological imagination by thinking of individualistic interpretations and seeing social issues, things that a beyond the control of the person. Though suicide was in uences by social factors cheating poverty private troubles social issue. Low quality food is cheap groups: the more a groups member share beliefs and values, and the more freq and intensely they interact, the more social solidairty there is in the group.