PHIL 120 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sandpaper, Aquatic Animal, Soundness

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17 Sep 2018

Document Summary

Section 6. 3: existential import: the modern square of opposition 3. Conditional propositions: if p then q 4. Section 7. 1: the structure of a syllogism 12. Structure of the categorical syllogism: standard form 12. Structure of a categorical syllogism: the mood 13. Structure of a categorical syllogism: the figure 13. The form of a categorical syllogism: mood and figure 14. Section 7. 4: rules of validity & and section 7. 5: venn diagrams 15. Rules for testing the validity of a syllogism with venn diagrams 15. Important notes for phil 120 final exam 19. What is not on the exam 19. Section 6. 3: existential import: the modern square of opposition. We have been assuming that the subject (s) and predicate (p) terms of categorical propositions stand for categories of things in reality. O(cid:373)e ter(cid:373)s (cid:894)(cid:862)u(cid:374)i(cid:272)or(cid:374)s(cid:863)(cid:895) are vacuous (they do not have referents in reality) How does this affect the truth or falsity of the categorical propositions where they occur: ex.