PHIL 120 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Argumentum Ad Baculum, Hasty Generalization, Ontario Hockey League

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17 Sep 2018

Document Summary

Arguments: a set of propositions in which some propositions (the premises) are asserted as supported or are evidence for another (the conclusion) (page 69, ex. Fluids flow in the direction of the forces acting on them. The primary force acting on water is gravity. Which implies that : some of the words listed are used in contexts other than argument. Since i arrived in dry gulch, i haven"t seen a single green thing. : the absence of indicator words does not necessarily mean the absence of an argument. Dry gulch in an arid place: i haven"t seen a single green thing. Restricting hand gun ownership would violate the right of self-defense. In an argument, we are trying to show that some proposition (the conclusion) is true (page. In an explanation, we are trying to show why it is true: ex.