PHIL 120 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Begging, Dogma, The Blue Flower

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17 Sep 2018

Document Summary

Consider my car radio, which is manufactured by motorola, it would be a fallacy of composition of composition to infer that my car as a whole was made by motorola, just because one part was. Wholes that are made up of individual parts that are similar to each other. Ambiguity of the term all : distributive/collective sense of all . Inferring that a part has a property merely because the whole has that property: this fallacy is the mirror image of composition. It is the inference that what is true of the whole must be true of the parts: example: The fact that my car was made by general motors does not mean that every part was. This inference is not a fallacy; it is not a case of division: example of fallacy of division, example: Practice: compare the following 2 propositions, canadian steel companies are profitable. Each and every canadian steel company is profitable.