COMMERCE 1BA3 Study Guide - Final Guide: In-Group Favoritism, Organizational Conflict, Satisficing

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A process that occurs when one person/group/org subunit frustrates the good attainment of another. Intrapersonal: conflict occurs within the individual, psychological, involving thoughts, values, emotions causes a dilemma. Interpersonal: person interferes with another person"s effort of achieving goal. Intragroup: infighting, conflict between 2 or more members of the same group or team. Traditional view of conflict is that it is negative, dysfunctional, detrimental, distracts managers. We don"t want, avoid it by removing the source of conflict. its problematic = strict conformity & no creativity. Contemporary view of conflict is that it encourages change, some conflict is good, if we suppress conflict it will cause more harm than good. Group identification & intergroup bias: how we identify with group/organization, types of biases that can develop between groups/members. Identifying with the successes of one"s own group and disassociating oneself from out-group failures boosts self-esteem and provides comforting feelings of social solidarity.