ECON-1006EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Dignity, European Stability Mechanism

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Document Summary

Case c-370/12 pringle case study: type: european stability mechanism treaty, facts: valid under treaty for ms to decide on conclusion of this kind of treaty, judgement: it was validated. Case 11-70 internationale handelsgesellschaft mbh: type: cjeu inspiration as to the fundamental freedoms development, general principles of law found in common constitutional traditions of ms. Case 4-73 nold: type: cjeu inspiration as to the fundamental freedoms development, echr. Fransson: court decides that they need to identify one obligation of eu law in order for there to be a link. Case c-36/02 omega spielhallen: type: within scope of eu law, facts: prohibition in germany of games where you play at killing others; on grounds of human dignity. Issue: is prohibition of such games allowed under free movement of services/establishment (freedom of establishment v. human dignity: cjeu: perhaps we don"t have anything explicit in eu law with human dignity; but there is something in common.