ECON-1006EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Ueapme, Amsterdam Treaty, Execution Unit

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Treaty on EU 1992
By the early 1990s, the Union had to come to terms with 3 main trends in economic and
industrial relations, common across virtually all MS. The first concerned the structural
transformation of the economy, involving the internationalisation of corporate structures
and the sectoral redistributions of the labour force away from agriculture and traditional
industries to services, particularly private services. The second trend concerned the
economic crises leading to recessions in the early 80s and again in the 90s. These were
accompanied by relatively high levels of unemployment and, with some exceptions,
relatively low levels of inflation. The third trend was the change in the political climate in
the 80s, reflected in a general move to the right in national government policy-making
together with a shift in the economic balance of power away from employees and trade
unions and towards employers and managers. The conclusion of the TEU, with its
significant amendments to the Treaty of Rome, represented the EU’s response to these
The Protocol on social policy was therefore part of the Maastricht Treaty and thus part of
Union law. Critics argued variously that the Social Chapter constituted an
intergovernmental agreement or that the Agreement on social policy was not part of the
Protocol on social policy but was an independent arrangement made between the 11. The
debate was effectively settled in favour of the Social Chapter being part of Union law
when the Court was prepared to rule in UEAPME on the legality of the Parental Leave
Directive adopted under the Social Chapter.
From an economic perspective, the establishment of a timetable for the creation of
economic and monetary union (EMU) was by far the most significant component of the
TEU. Using this new type of soft law, which combined an intergovernmental approach
dominated by the Council and the Commission, political monitoring at the highest level,
clear procedures, and iterative processes, the EU was able to link Union and national
action while leaving states with a considerable discretion as to how to manage their own
Amsterdam Treaty: The Article 151 TFEU was revised to include an express reference to
fundamental social rights such as those set out in the European Social Charter and in the
Charter of Fundamental Social Rights. The co-operation procedure was replaced with the
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Document Summary

Treaty on eu 1992: by the early 1990s, the union had to come to terms with 3 main trends in economic and industrial relations, common across virtually all ms. The first concerned the structural transformation of the economy, involving the internationalisation of corporate structures and the sectoral redistributions of the labour force away from agriculture and traditional industries to services, particularly private services. The second trend concerned the economic crises leading to recessions in the early 80s and again in the 90s. These were accompanied by relatively high levels of unemployment and, with some exceptions, relatively low levels of inflation. The conclusion of the teu, with its significant amendments to the treaty of rome, represented the eu"s response to these changes. The protocol on social policy was therefore part of the maastricht treaty and thus part of. Critics argued variously that the social chapter constituted an intergovernmental agreement or that the agreement on social policy was not part of the.