ECON-1006EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Tele2, Derogation

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Fundamental freedoms: the four freedoms are the cornerstone of eu and eu law, guaranteed by primary law, ca fundamental freedoms be restricted by eu fundamental rights, case c-112/00 schmidberger, facts: demonstraters people block roads in austria. Movement of goods v. freedom of expression: cjeu: reiterates how important fundamental rights are court seeks inspiration for constitutional traditions + eu conventions. Well it is allowed in this case to accept such a demonstration because upholding the right to freedom is more important than upholding right to free movement of goods. Legislation and acts of the ms: secondary law, equal treatment/non-discrimination, data protection/privacy, cjeu can interpret secondary law in light of general principles and the charter, art. Idealistic right (promoting understanding, tolerance, peace, and friendly relations) Main goal of education: combating illiteracy which serves purposes to rights of education. Communication, hygiene, social conduct = not necessarily through educational system. Employment opportunities = economy want people to be educated when employed.