
Please could anyone do this for me please must be 300 words Write a compare/contrast essay about the Salem Witch Trials and the McCarthy Hearings using the suggested format below: Suggested format:

1. Paragraph 1: Introduction -This paragraph should Introduce the two topics being discussed and lead into the thesis statement.

2. Paragraph 2: Comparison This paragraph should examine the similarities you found between the Salem Witch Trials and the McCarthy era. There should be at least three comparisons. You must use clear transition words to move from one example to another.

3. Paragraph 3: Contrast This paragraph should examine the differences you found between the Salem Witch Trials and the McCarthy era. There should be at least three differences. You must use clear transition words to move from one example to another.

4. Paragraph 4: Conclusion The conclusion wraps up everything you have proven in your essay. It should restate the thesis ina new way. IL should also draw a conclusion based on the information presented. Are there more similarities or differences between the two? What is a conclusion hat.can be drawn from this information?

Write at least 300 words.


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