
Worksheet 1: What is an introductory paragraph?
Exercise 1
Read the paragraph.
This is the introductory paragraph for an essay.
What is the title of the essay?
a The oldest person in your family
b Lucky people
c A special family member
Highlight the correct information about introductory paragraphs.
Family is the most important thing in the world. It was difficult to choose a family member to write about because they are all very special. In the end, I decided to tell you about the oldest member of my family, my grandfather. First, I will tell you about his life in the past, then about my life with him now.
An introductory paragraph:
⬤ is in the middle of the essay.
⬤ is at the start of the essay.
⬤ tells the reader what you will write about in the essay.
⬤ tells the reader how you will organize your ideas.
⬤ gives examples to support your ideas.
⬤ explains and gives small details.
⬤ should make the reader interested in reading the essay.
⬤ should tell the reader everything they need to know so thev don't need to read the essay.

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