27 Nov 2019

pick one of these nanoparticals gold particle ,silver,magnetic nanoparticals,nanosponges to answer these questions. describe some of the different ways this nanoparticle could be functionalized to accumulate in cancer tissue? would it be more beneficial to perform active or passive targeting ?if you were to perform active targeting,what are 3 different tissue biomarkers you would try to target and why?what sorts of targeting molecules would you put on the surface of your nanoparticles?
what are your most important consideration when picking targeting molecules such as size ,charge,affinity. ?how do you expect this active targeting to change your overall nanoparticle accumulation in your tissue?if you were to perform passive targeting, what passive properties of your nanoparticle would you optimize and why ? how do you expect this passive targeting to change your overall nanoparticle in your tissue?

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Patrina Schowalter
Patrina SchowalterLv2
5 Aug 2019
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