5 May 2018

If an industry has no barriers to entry, no product promotion strategy, a standardized product type, and a very large number of firms operating within it, the industry can be said to have

Select one:

a. a monopoly market structure.

b. perfect competition.

c. differentiated market.

d. monopolistic competition.

e. an oligopoly market structure.

The long-run average-cost curve

Select one:

a. connects the minimum points of all the short-run average-total-cost curves.

b. connects the maximum points of all the short-run average-total-cost curves.

c. connects minimum points on the short-run total-cost curves.

d. indicates the most efficient scale of operation for a given level of output.

e. is the most efficient scale of operation.

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
7 May 2018
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