11 Aug 2019

“The following activity will simulate the spread of a disease-causing microorganism at a luncheon. One individual at the luncheon has contracted the disease within the previous 24 hours. However, this individual is unaware of the disease because they have not begun to exhibit symptoms. During the luncheon, many individuals are sharing and tasting the beverages and food. To simulate sharing of beverages at the luncheon, you will mix the beverage I am about to hand you with 3 different people. To mix beverages, carefully pour all of the contents of your cup into another person’s cup. The person with the full cup will then pour ½of their cup’s contents back into your cup. Share drinks with a total of 3 people. It is very important that no one actually drinks any of the “beverages.”

1.Imagine you are one of the people who left the luncheon with a contagious disease and interacted with an average of 9 different people each day. How many people could potentially be infected in 7 days?

2.. Imagine the other remaining persons who received the contagious disease at the end of the luncheon interacted with an average of 6 different people per day. How many people could potentially be infected in 7 days by these others who left the luncheon?

3. If the contagious individual at the mock luncheon had not shared beverages or food, might others still have contracted the disease-causing microorganism?

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
13 Aug 2019

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