2 Apr 2018

An organism that is heterotrophic, is not mobile, has cells with a cell wall and nucleus, and is a decomposer is a 1) protist. 2) plant. 3) animal. 4) fungus. 5) none of these.

An example of a/an __________ that causes a disease is Giardia. Question 10 options: 1) plant 2) protist 3) bacterium 4) archaean 5) virus

True fungi ______. options: 1) have cell walls, feed by absorption, and usually have filamentous bodies. 2) have cell walls, undergo photosynthesis, and usually have filamentous bodies. 3) have no cell walls, feed by absorption, and undergo chemosynthesis. 4) have no cell walls, are parasitic, and are heterotrophic. 5) have cell walls, are chemosynthetic, and are heterotrophic.

The body of a fungus is generally composed of ______. Question 14 options: 1) cellulose. 2) vascular tissue. 3) mycorrhizae. 4) mold. 5) hyphae.

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27 Aug 2023

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