11 May 2018

DESIGNING YOUR OWN NUTRITION EXPERIMENT Just like other scientific disciplines, factual nutrition information is based on experimental research that has been replicated many times by different scientists. Below, you will construct a realistic intervention study, using human volunteers, to answer a nutrition related question of your choice. Be sure to include as much detail as possible.

1. Your Question to be tested:

2. State your hypothesis concerning your above listed question

3. In testing your hypothesis, who will you recruit for your experiment? (Include things like age, gender, health status and the total number of subjects)

4. Briefly explain your experimental protocol. (Give as much detail about what you will do with your experimental subjects)

5. What variables will you test for? (What things are you going to measure?)

6. How do you plan to limit the subject bias? (How will you prevent your volunteers from reporting effects simply because they know they are participating in your experiment?)

7. What limitations do you foresee in carrying out this experiment?

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
12 May 2018

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