11 Apr 2018

1. Medical paternalism is rooted in what ethical principle?
Autonomy , Beneficence, nonmalficience or justice

2. The centers for Medicare and Medicaid CMS hold regulatory power to license CMS providers as well as set rates for acceptable reimbursement for CMS providers. This kind of regulation is best categorized into what kind of law:
Common law, statutory law, administrative law or all the above

3. To make a decision from the utalitarian point of view you would : honor those less well-off, honor those most deserving, honor the greatest good for the greatest number, or otter the greatest good for the least number

4. What are the four elements of negligence in the order they must be proven when prosecuting ?

5. True or false a salt and battery are categorized as intentional torts

6. The function of the institutional review board is to review proposed research studies and approve research protocols true or false?

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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
13 Apr 2018

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