29 Apr 2018

Nervous System (answer them all with "just few words no need for details" and I will rate you.

1-What are the three key senses of the hypothalamus? What did we call the hypothalamus in the homeostatic regulation of body temperature? What endocrine gland is regulated by the hypothalamus?

2-The pineal gland secretes hormones that regulate circadian rhythms. Melatonin is the primary hormone that regulates these cyclical processes in the human body. How is its secretion regulated? Are plasma levels of melatonin high or low in the daytime? How could you induce sleep during the day without ingestion of any chemicals or medicine?

3-What are the neurotransmitters involved in mood? Anxiety? Pharmacologically, how is altered mood (i.e., depression) treated? Can you explain the mechanism of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) example provided? Pharmacologically, how is anxiety treated? Can you explain the mechanism of the benzodiazepine example provided?

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
30 Apr 2018

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