7 Dec 2018

1. According to scientists who accept the (______) model, gene flow and migration between populations of archaic humans from different regions led to one species over time (i.e. modern humans).


Both the replacement and multiregional models of human origins agree that there was an initial dispersal of Homo erectus (or ergaster) from (_______) into the rest of the Old World.


According to the ecological species concept, in some cases different species:

A. can never produce offspring
B. can breed and produce offspring under unnatural circumstances
C. can only produce offspring in they live in the same ecosystem


Punctuated equilibrium and Gradualism are models that explain:

A. Darwin's ideas about evolutionary change
B. small evolutionary changes over time
C. the rate at which evolution occurs over time
D. the kinds of species that are most likely to change via the evolutionary process


Which of the following best describes punctuated equilibrium?

A. the rate of evolutionary change is always slow and gradual
B. the relatively rapid expansion and diversification of life forms into new ecological niches
C. evolution occurs slowly most of the time, with occasional bursts of relatively rapid periods of change
D. the evolution of a new species
E. evolutionary change based on the differential reproductive success of an individual in a species

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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
8 Dec 2018

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