6 Apr 2018

25. Which of the following statements concerning fatty acids is incorrect?

A. fatty acids are rarely found in the free state in nature

B. double bonds present in fatty acids are almost always in a cis-configuration

C. at least 20 carbon atoms must be present in the carbon chain of a fatty acid

D. some fatty acids needed in the human body must be obtained from food because they cannot be synthesized with the body

26. In which of the following types of lipids are two ester linkages and one amide linkage present?

A. glycerophospholipids

B. sphingophospholipids

C. sphingoglycolipids

D. triacylglycerols

27. Which is the correct series of reactions in fatty acid synthesis?

A. Condensation, reduction, hydration, reduction

B. Condensation, oxidation, dehydration, oxidation

C. Reduction, hydration, reduction, thiolysis

D. Oxidation, hydration, oxidation, thiolysis

E. Condensation, reduction, dehydration, reduction

28. Linoleic acid and linolenic acid are essential fatty acids because

A. They are precursors for palmitate.

B. They are local hormones.

C. They are omega-6 fatty acids.

D. They have cis-double bonds beyond carbon 9.

E. They are omega-3 fatty acids.

29. The process of fatty acid synthesis involves all of the following except:

A. complex Fatty acid synthase

B. Acetyl CoA carboxylase


D. Malonyl CoA

E. acetyl coA

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Hubert Koch
Hubert KochLv2
8 Apr 2018

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