2 Feb 2019

When someone is said to have inherited a predisposition to cancer, what is meant by that?

There is a germ-line mutation

The gene involved shows incomplete penetrance

The disorder has variable expressivity

There is a somatic mutation

Imagine you observe the following in a data set: more males affected than females; approximately half the grandsons of affected males are affected; some females are affected but usually only if their maternal grandfather was affected and their mother married an affected male. What type of inheritance might you suspect?

sex-linked recessive

autosomal dominant,sex-limited

sex-linked dominant

recessive epistasis

A cross of fruit flies was conducted. White-eyed males were cross with pink-eyed females. All F1 flies had normal eye color. F1’s were intercrossed yielding F2 flies as follows: 890 wildtype females, 455 wildtype males, 605 white-eyed males, 140 pink-eyed males, and 310 pink-eyed females. Give a genetic explanation consistent with these data.

white is autosomal recessive and epistatic to pink

pink is autosomal recessive and dominant over white

pink and white are x-linked recessive with white dominant to pink

white is x-lined recessive, pink is autosomal recessive; white is recessive epistatic to pink

An avid gardener decides to plant seeds from disk-shaped squashes she raised during the previous summer. To her surprise, 89 of her plants bear disk-shaped squashes while 61 plants produce spherical squashes and 10 produced elongate shaped squash. What is the mode of inheritance of fruit shape in these squash?


Recessive epistasis

Duplicate interaction


Based on what you know about translation, what does “reverse translation” mean?

Determining a DNA sequence from an amino acid sequence

Determining a RNA sequence from a DNA sequence

Translating in the 3’ to 5’ direction

Transcribing first, then translating

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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
3 Feb 2019

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