1 Apr 2019


Q1.Briefly, why is eating carrots and other yellow/red vegetables important for vision?

Q2. What is the process called that the brain uses to compensate for the parts of an image that fall on the optic disc?


Q3. What is the role of the tympanic membrane in hearing?


Q4. What is the function of the so called tip links on the stereocilia of hair cells in the vestibular system (also present in the organ of corti)?

Q5. What is odd about how the air cells mentioned above depolarise?

Q6. What effect does bending of the stereocilia have on the stimulation of action potentials from the support afferent neurones?


Q7. How would you classify the sensory afferents, in terms of receptor type (ie, nociceptor, thermoreceptor ect) responsible for detecting touch or pressure in the skin?

Q8. Briefly, how do we spatially distinguish between 2 points placed close together on the skin?

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
4 Apr 2019

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