14 Dec 2018

15. Which of the following are more likely found in a Parameciumprotist than in a
Salmonella bacterium? [*This is a multiple answer question, pleasemark all that apply.]1
a. Ribosomes
b. A membrane-bound nucleus
c. Mitochondria
d. Clathrin-coated pits.

2-We have obtained sequence data for ß-tubulin genes from eightspecies of Foraminifera (forams) and a-tubulin sequences from fourspecies, sampling major taxonomic groups from a wide range ofenvironments. Analysis of the ß-tubulin sequences demonstrates thatforam ß-tubulins possess the highest degree of divergence of anytubulin gene sequenced to date and represent a novel form of theprotein. In contrast, foram a-tubulin genes resemble theconventional a-tubulins seen
in other organisms. Partition homogeneity analysis shows that theforaminiferal ß tubulin gene has followed an evolutionary path thatis distinct from that of all other organisms. Our findings indicatethat positive selective pressure occurred on the ß-tubulin subunitin ancestral forams prior to their diversification. (MolecularBiology and Evolution, 2005)Based on this passage and yourknowledge from lecture,
which statements are TRUE?[This is a multiple answerquestion,please select all that apply.]
a. The researchers writing this abstract were studyingmicrotubules.
b. The researchers writing this abstract were studying intermediatefilaments.
c. The microtubules of Foraminifera may serve their function in aslightly different way than they do in any other organism.
d. Foraminifera are likely unable to form pseudopodia

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
16 Dec 2018

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