
1. Compare and contrast the three kinds of transposable element.Consider their structure and method of transposition. Describe theeffects that transposons can have on bacterial gene expression andon bacterial evolution.

2. Discuss the importance of homologous recombination andtransposition in natural horizontal gene transfer and evolution.Consider how these two process affect genome structure and theeffect they have depending on what kind of sequence the insertinto.

3. Describe one strategy you could use to find a gene involvedin BPA degradation in the genomic library of a bacterium that cangrow using BPA as a sole source of carbon and energy. Include anyassumptions you made about the gene you are looking for of thelibrary you are screening. Propose a second experiment to confirmyour result. You do not have the genome sequence of thisorganism.

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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
29 Sep 2019

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